There’s a lot of hype these days about ChatGPT and AI tools. But other than generating silly poems and article outlines, what is it really good for? How can marketers use AI to improve their campaigns?

We believe AI can be used to overcome many marketing challenges, which is why we integrated OpenAI’s technology into almost every part of Web3m’s tool suite. As you get started with Web3m, here are some of the best ways to leverage AI to bolster your campaigns. 

1. Improve campaign targeting

Our first way to leverage AI is through improved campaign targeting. Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool for quickly recognizing patterns—that can include patterns among the purchase behaviors of your ideal customers.

In the Web3m dashboard, you can easily compare past and current campaigns.  Under the surface, we leverage AI to highlight some of the patterns that make one campaign work better than the next. These insights are then shown to you to help optimize your campaigns—making it easy to target people who are likely to purchase your product.

2. Create a complete marketing plan 

Most of the AI use cases on this list pertain to execution. AI enables people to perform historically mundane tasks with greater efficiency. 

But AI also helps with higher-level strategies, such as building an effective marketing plan. As you input information about your goals, business, and products into Web3m, our AI can offer suggestions about how to reach your ideal customers with the right message. You can use these insights and suggestions to form an action plan of who to target, with what message, and where. 

3. Generate brand-specific customer personas

As you go through the campaign creation flow in Web3m, you’ll find many of the sections prefilled. Those prefilled sections are based on a combination of AI and internet scraping—which enables us to compare your online presence, competitors, and other online information.

Through AI, we’re able to generate customer personas based on your existing brand and the brands of your competitors. Of course, if anything is ever inaccurate, it’s easy to update these personas to meet the exact specs you’re looking for.

4. Find and target niche marketing channels

As you go through the Web3m ad setup flow, you’ll be asked to input (or edit) information about your brand. This information enables us to pinpoint the best channels for your unique advertising goals. 

By the time you start selecting where to advertise, Web3m’s AI will have enough data about your brand and competitors to suggest niche marketing channels. You can advertise across tens of thousands of web3 sites and platforms using Web3m. That includes many websites you’ve likely never heard of—where your target customers spend time and attention.

Our AI helps to surface those lesser-known channels so that you have the right platform for reaching your ideal customers.

5. Enjoy real-time campaign optimization

The old marketing joke is that advertisers know that half their ads have great results—they just don’t know which half.

Well, with targeted advertising, you can know exactly what’s working and then double down on the campaigns that produce the greatest results. This is another area where AI can make your life a bit easier.

People can be great at pattern matching. But we’re no match for AI. As campaign results start rolling in, our AI tools will analyze those results and offer suggestions for improving your existing and future campaigns.

6. Generate an objective brand analysis

Warren Buffett says that a brand is a promise you make to customers. That’s great from the consumer side. But how do you analyze what customers really think about your brand? 

Here, again, is where AI can help. Web3m scrapes popular websites to find conversations and information about your brand. This can give us clues not only into how you talk about your brand and services, but also into how users and competitors talk about them. All this data is then aggregated to help you form a brand analysis to inform future marketing initiatives.

7. Generate headlines, copy, and images for split testing

We saved the most obvious addition for last. In Web3m, you can use an AI assistant to generate headlines and body copy. Whether you can’t find the right words or simply want new headlines to split test, Web3m makes it easy to quickly generate copy for your ads.

This has become one of the most talked-about use cases for AI. But with Web3m, you don’t have to open another window to your favorite AI copywriting tool. You can perform all your writing and headline generation straight from the Web3m platform.

In what ways are you applying AI in your marketing? Let us know when you join the Web3m marketing community.